The White House has neither confirmed nor denied the leaks in the American press about Biden's authorization for Ukraine to use long-range American missiles with a range of 300 kilometers to attack Russian territory
By Guillermo Alvarado
If there was any doubt that in reality the Republican and Democratic parties in the United States are responding to exactly the same interests and that their differences are only of a few nuances, President Joseph Biden could clear it up almost two months before the end of his term.
So far, the White House has neither confirmed nor denied the leaks in the American press about Biden's authorization for Ukraine to use long-range American missiles with a range of 300 kilometers to attack Russian territory.
Supposedly, this would be done to strengthen the beleaguered figure of President Bolodomyr Zelenski in the event of a possible peace negotiation to end the conflict in Eastern Europe, initiated, as is known, by the warmongering North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO.
If Biden's alleged authorization becomes reality, this step would deserve the same qualification used by the French politician Joseph Fouché, in the sense that it would be "worse than a crime, it would be stupidity.
The outgoing U.S. leader would be leaving the world on the brink of a third and almost certainly final world war.
As many analysts have said, and as President Vladimir Putin himself has said, this is not a confrontation of Ukraine, but of NATO, i.e. the European Union and the United States, against Russia.
Allowing Kiev to use long-range weapons is practically a declaration of war by these powers against Moscow, and this will have regrettable and irreversible consequences for all mankind.
As Albert Einstein once warned, if humanity unleashes a third world war, the fourth, if anyone is left to fight it, will be fought with stones.
The day before, the presidential spokesman in Moscow, Dmitry Peskov, pointed out that "if it is indeed confirmed that Washington has given Kiev the green light, it would qualitatively mean a new phase of tension and some degree of increased US involvement.
The point is that Ukraine cannot deploy such missiles on its own, even if it has the authorization, because it is the specialists in Washington, or London and Paris in case the UK and France join in such nonsense, who define the trajectories on the basis of their satellite spying systems.
The next stage would be of a different magnitude, and no one today, unless he is a deranged fanatic, can by chance aspire to win a nuclear war.