ALBA-TCP, in defence of the well-being and sovereignty of the people
By María Josefina Arce (RHC)
Twenty years ago, two world leaders, committed to the destiny of their peoples and of Latin America and the Caribbean, gave life to an integration mechanism to work for the welfare of citizens and in defence of the sovereignty and independence of the peoples of the region.
Thus, on 14 December 2004, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of the Americas was born by the hands of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz (1926-2016), and the then President of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez Frías (1954-2013).
Complementarity, solidarity and cooperation characterize this bloc, based on the ideology of independence of Latin American heroes and their actions in favour of the rights of all citizens in the region.
Over the years, Cuba and Venezuela have been joined by other countries in the region. Today, ALBA-TCP has 11 members who benefit from various social projects.
This mechanism, more necessary than ever given the inequalities of today's world, has emphasized the fight against poverty and exclusion since its creation.
The achievements of this bloc in its two decades of existence are significant. Cuba has played a key role in bringing literacy to millions of people. The implementation of the Cuban method "Yo sí puedo" (Yes, I can) marked a turning point in the region.
Another important social initiative was Operation Miracle, an eye rehabilitation programme that benefited low-income citizens with the active participation of the largest of the Antilles.
ALBA-TCP brought about a change in relations between the countries of the region, in which solidarity and unconditional cooperation have been a priority, as has been evident throughout the years.
And this was an essential factor in the fight against COVID 19, with Cuba sending health professionals to other countries and the vaccines obtained by the Cuban scientific community.
For its part, the archipelago received support in the form of supplies from the member countries of the integrationist mechanism, in the face of the tightening of the US blockade in the middle of the pandemic, which even prevented the purchase of pulmonary ventilators.
ALBA-TCP has fought for regional integration for the benefit of its citizens and has defended the sovereignty and independence of the nations of Latin America and the Caribbean during these two decades against the colonialist aspirations of the United States.