Hard line on battered prop

Édité par Catherin López
2025-02-08 21:29:41


Image: radioreloj.cu


By: Roberto Morejón

The announcement by the US Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, to reinstate what he calls a hard policy against Cuba, is based on false and questionable arguments.

The former Republican senator revealed the State Department's decisions to reinstate the Cuba Restricted List, which refers to companies subject to sanctions.

He also removed the waiver for Title III of the Helms-Burton Act and cut off a channel for remittances from Cubans living in the United States to their relatives in the Caribbean archipelago.

These decisions are not surprising, despite their virulence and hatred, since legislators of alleged Cuban origin are the spearhead of Miami's lucrative anti-Castro industry.

Now they have coalesced around President Donald Trump, who has also attracted other people of alleged Cuban origin without being legislators, all of them working obsessively to suffocate the inhabitants of the Caribbean nation under the pretext of sanctioning what they call the "regime" in Havana.

The Cuban government has been quick and energetic in issuing official statements that reveal the true interests of those who are desperately trying to plunge the Caribbean nation into material shortages, aggravated by the U.S. blockade.

The latest decisions of the aggressive Marco Rubio cannot be separated from those previously exposed, such as that of restoring Cuba's place on a falsified list of those presented in Washington as sponsors of terrorism.

Rubio swore before a senatorial confirmation committee that the Caribbean country harbors terrorism, denying what was affirmed by official U.S. agencies consulted by Joseph Biden.

To all of this is added the decision of the Trump administration to send thousands of deported migrants to the usurped Guantanamo base in eastern Cuba.

We are in the presence of a return to the most corrosive line of the Republican administration in relation to Cuba, through criminal measures, as conceptualized by Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez, who also defined them as a new provocative act.

These denominators are valid in contrast to what Marco Rubio affirms about the new provisions.

The Republican, who also lies when referring to what he calls Havana's malign interference throughout the world, assures that the intention of the recent steps is to protect the United States and help the Cuban people.


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