The international perspective of the 2024 Higher Education Congress

Édité par Ed Newman
2024-01-31 23:20:11


Havana, February 1 (RHC) -- Representatives from more than 40 countries confirmed their presence at the XIV International Congress on Higher Education University 2024: Higher Education of the Future: social transformation, quality, relevance and sustainability, which will take place from February 5 to 9 in Havana.

Just to mention a few, we have Venezuela, Mozambique, Uganda, Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, Guyana, Brazil, Mexico, Zimbabwe, Paraguay, Chile, Russia, Venezuela, Ecuador and others, said María Victoria Villavicencio, director of International Relations of the Ministry of Higher Education to the Cuban News Agency.

She specified that ministers, vice ministers and high authorities of higher education from all over the world will attend the event and in the case of international organizations and associations related to the sector will have 36 representatives, pursuing the objective of promoting dialogue and reflection on the role of higher education in social transformation, based on the principles of quality, relevance and sustainability.

It is worth mentioning the presence of the director of the Higher Institute of Latin America and the Caribbean, UNESCO-IESALC (UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean), the director of that institute in Cuba and an important delegation from the Ibero-American Postgraduate University Association, of which nine Cuban institutions are members.

Also, the Union of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean, the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, the Association of Universities of the Montevideo Group, the Inter-American University Organization, the Clara Network, the Association of Mexican Universities, the Association of Rectors of Colombia, France Université and many others, he added.

According to Villavicencio, in general, 18 associations of rectors will be present, with whom an exchange program with the main authorities of the Ministry of Higher Education and the Cuban universities present is foreseen.

He also highlighted that among the most representative delegations are 79 Brazilian rectors and vice-rectors, 59 representatives from the United States, 38 rectors, vice-rectors and directors from Russian universities, 29 French authorities, 17 from Venezuela, 65 from Ecuador, 14 from Hungary, 17 from Venezuela, 12 from China and 85 from Mexico.Parallel to the congress, a group of activities will be developed and it is true that we could think of having a space just to arrange certain meetings.

Parallel to the congress, a group of activities will be developed and it is true that we could think of having a space precisely to arrange certain meetings, as is the case of the last preparatory meeting of the CRES+5 (Regional Conference on Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean) to be held in Cuba; an event of great prestige worldwide and will be held in Brasilia in March 2024, he argued.

The Higher Education Congress 2024 until the last moment will be confirming and registering the participation of people, institutions, delegations, professors, and researchers, taking into account its scope and positioning at regional and world level, therefore, we know that those figures in the end will be higher, he concluded. (Source: ACN). i.e. the last preparatory meeting of the CRES+5 (Regional Conference on Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean) to be held in Cuba; an event of great prestige at the world level and will be held in Brasilia in March 2024.



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