Documents Reveal Extensive NSA Targeting of WikiLeaks

Édité par Juan Leandro
2014-02-19 14:37:24


Washington, February 19 (RHC)-- A new report based on top-secret documents from Edward Snowden has revealed how the United States and Britain targeted the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks after it published documents on the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan.

According to a report co-authored by Glenn Greenwald and published by The Intercept, Britain’s top spy agency secretly monitored visitors to a WikiLeaks site by collecting their IP addresses in real time.

Meanwhile, the National Security Agency added WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange to a "manhunting" target list alongside al-Qaeda suspects. The leaked documents also show the United States urged its allies to file criminal charges against Assange over the Afghan War Logs.


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