Colombian Leader Slams Attack on Presidential Candidate

Édité par Juan Leandro
2014-02-25 13:53:02


Bogotá, February 25 (RHC) -- Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos on Monday condemned an attack over the weekend on the convoy of a presidential contender in the general elections due in May.

The convoy of Aida Avella, the presidential candidate of the leftist Patriotic Union (UP) party, was fired upon by unknown assailants when it was heading for downtown Puerto Jordan, in Tame municipality, northeast Arauca department, Sunday. No one was injured in the attack, which left one vehicle of the convey with bullets.

Speaking at an official event in Bogota, the national capital of Colombia, Santos said he had spoken with Avella about the incident, adding his government will provide Avella and other opposition candidates security during their campaigns.

He added authorities are already engaged in an investigation into Sunday's attack.



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