U.S. Justice Department approves T-Mobile and Sprint merger

Édité par Ed Newman
2019-07-29 19:59:27


Washington, July 30 (RHC)-- In the United States, the Justice Department has approved the merger of T-Mobile and Sprint, in a move that critics say would increase cellphone bills for consumers by decreasing competition.  

The Justice Department said they only approved the deal after T-Mobile and Sprint agreed to sell some of their assets to satellite TV provider Dish Network to create a new wireless network. 

Thirteen attorneys general and the District of Columbia are suing to block the $26 billion merger.  Senator and 2020 candidate Elizabeth Warren tweeted: “This merger will cost thousands of jobs, reduce wages, and further reduce competition in a sector that badly needs it.  We need antitrust regulators with the courage to stand up to mono


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