Over 100 immigrant hunger strikers tear-gassed inside ICE jail

Édité par Ed Newman
2019-08-09 23:59:15


New Orleans, August 10 (RHC)-- In the U.S. state of Louisiana, over 100 immigrants were tear-gassed, shot with rubber bullets, beaten and put in solitary confinement after they launched a hunger strike at the Pine Prairie ICE Processing Center. 

The incident occurred just one day after guards at a separate Louisiana immigration jail pepper-sprayed more than 30 immigrants for also going on a hunger strike, according to the advocacy group Freedom for Immigrants. 

The organization published photos showing what appear to be wounds from crowd control weapons on the bodies of men detained at Pine Prairie.  ICE had previously denied anyone was injured and that just “a brief, calculated use of pepper spray was employed” against the immigrants on hunger strike.


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