Nigeria Backs Down on Protest Ban; Generals Reportedly Found Guilty of Boko Haram Ties

Édité par Lena Valverde Jordi
2014-06-04 15:24:22


Abuja, June 4 (RHC)-- The Nigerian government has reversed an order banning demonstrations for the return of more than 200 missing schoolgirls. The police commissioner in the capital Abuja had announced protests were no longer allowed over fears they could be hijacked by violent extremists.

But protesters flooded Nigeria’s high court in defiance. Femi Falana, an attorney for the "Bring Back Our Girls" campaign threatened to challenge the ban in court.

A report in the Nigerian media today says ten military generals have been found guilty of aiding the Boko Haram, the militant group behind the girls’ kidnapping and scores of other attacks. The Nigerian government has denied the claim.



  • Rosa Kamson's gravatar
    Rosa Kamson
    04/03/2015 02:07 pm

    It is my request that, this comment be, directed to the Honorable President Castro. As a long standing friend of African countries, I request your assistance to, help in the fight, against Boko Harem! If Boko Harem, is not stopped , they will destroy West Africa! This will, not only reverse, all progress; it will create exposure for, recolonization, through the breakup of Nigeria! Due to mistrust, among the joint armies, they, are not fluid. In other words, they, in some cases, are not allowed to, cross borders of Nigeria, to pursue, the enemy. From a military prospective, I fear that, this creates problems, in effectiveness. However, the assistance, of Cuba, will help alleviate , this concern and ease the mistrust; while providing advanced military coordination and skills! As a concerned, African, I am making a request for, Cuba to, at least send military advisors to,assist, in the coordination of the fight against Boko Harem. However, sending military troops is preferred! Cuba has been a longstanding friend and we need you once again!! Viva Cuba Rosa Kamson

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