"I come to call the youth to the political struggle with P for Homeland, to the struggle to consolidate the Bolivarian Revolution in ethical, moral and electoral terms," highlighted President Maduro. | Photo: @PresidencialVen
Caracas, February 13 (RHC)-- The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, in the framework of Youth Day, acknowledged this Saturday the linking of young people in the public education system at all levels.
According to President Maduro, the revolutionary process has generated that 85 percent of young people incur in the public university system, while 86 percent of minors are in public high schools. "I come to call the youth to the political struggle with P de Patria, to the struggle to consolidate the Bolivarian Revolution ethically, morally and electorally," highlighted President Maduro.
At the same time. the head of state urged the youth to continue building a more humanistic educational model, "he urged them to defend the right to public, free and quality education (...) The protagonists of the new era 2022-2030 are you Venezuelan youth," he added.
"The times we are living are to sow conscience, to sow future. We are in the middle of the final stretch of the Bicentennial era, which saw the emergence of this popular and peaceful revolution of the 21st century," emphasized President Maduro.