Survey shows 79% of Peruvians reject Boluarte's administration

Édité par Ed Newman
2023-05-01 12:53:05


Since last December there have been massive protests in Peru against Boluarte's government. | Photo: Prensa Latina​​

Lima, May 1 (RHC)-- The Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP) announced this Sunday that 79 percent of Peruvians disapprove of the administration of President-designate Dina Boluarte, while nine out of ten respondents reject the administration of Congress.

According to the last opinion report elaborated by the IEP and published in its web page, only 15 percent of the citizens interviewed for this study approve Boluarte's performance and 6 percent opted for the option "Don't know/no answer."  Regarding the Legislative Branch, only 7 percent of the survey sample approves its management.

According to the report, "the last IEP survey shows a citizenry permanently dissatisfied with its president and its Congress, and with a low trust towards those who should protect it, such as the National Police (69 percent trust little or not at all)."

The study specifies that the highest rates of disapproval of Boluarte, who leads the country after the parliamentary coup against former president Pedro Castillo, last December, are found in rural areas and in the northern, southern and eastern macro-zones, as well as among population segments with lower socio-economic income.

As for the Legislative, his work was more rejected among those who disapprove of Boluarte, the inhabitants of the south of the country or citizens who identify themselves as left-wing or center.

Forty-six percent of the sample said they felt very insecure and 32 percent somewhat insecure. Seven out of ten respondents stated that they do not trust the National Police.  47% believe that those guilty of the deaths that occurred in the protests will be investigated, while the same percentage believes that there will be no investigation during the current Government. 

The same percentage believes that there will be no investigation during the current government. A similar percentage believes there will.

Regarding the recent floods in the context of winter rains and the El Niño phenomenon, 65 percent of those polled considered that the Government's response has been bad (31 percent) or very bad (34 percent).

This percentage increases to 74 percent in the northern macro-zone, most affected by the inclement weather and the deficient response of the Executive.

Since last December, the South American country was the scene of massive protests to demand Boluarte's resignation, the closure of Congress and early elections.

During the mobilizations it was also demanded the convening of a constituent assembly to elaborate a new Magna Carta to overcome the neoliberal one in force since 1993, the release of former president Pedro Castillo and justice for the deaths caused by the repression of the protests.


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