Mexico declares zero impunity for violence against women

Édité par Ed Newman
2023-05-28 06:59:43


Mexico City, May 28 (RHC)-- Mexico's Inter-institutional Strategy Group against Violence (Giev) agreed during its monthly meeting, that there will be zero impunity for anyone who assaults or exercises violence against women and girls.   "The message must be strong and clear: zero impunity to anyone who assaults or violates a woman.  I would like to insist that the way to achieve zero impunity is through denunciation," said the Undersecretary of Public Security, Luis Rodríguez Bucio, who is one of the members of the Giev.

The group ratified that the denunciation is the way to achieve zero impunity for anyone who assaults or rapes women, adolescents and girls.

Meanwhile, the head of the National Commission to Prevent and Eradicate Violence against Women (Conavim), Fabiola Alanís Sámano, pointed out that only 25 percent of violent deaths have been classified as femicide during the first four months of 2023.  "This allows us to appreciate the profound inequality regarding investigations of violent deaths of women," she said.

The note issued by the Government states that "this meeting reflects the high commitment of the Government of Mexico, in particular the vision of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to strengthen inter-institutional collaboration to implement a strategy that ensures the integrity of Mexican women and girls."

During her speech, the president of the National Women's Institute (Inmujeres), Nadine Gasman Zylbermann, pointed out that teenage pregnancy is a structural problem and that a coordinated strategy is being developed between institutions to prevent it.

For her part, the commissioner added that the main reason for these efforts is to contribute to the improvement in the investigation of feminicide cases, as well as other crimes related to gender violence.

The Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System reported that 600 women were victims of femicide in Mexico in the first eight months of 2022.

According to the National Survey on the Dynamics of Household Relationships (Endireh), cited by the Malvestida platform in Mexico, 70.1 percent of women aged 15 and over have experienced some type of violence at least once in their lives.



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