Iranian President Says Terrorism and Extremism Threatening Entire World

Édité par Ivan Martínez
2014-09-26 15:42:13


United Nations, September 26 (RHC)-- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says extremism and violence are threatening the entire Middle East, especially Iran's neighbours, as a result of extremist measures taken by foreign terrorists.

Addressing the 69th annual session of the United Nations Assembly in New York on Thursday, Rouhani said extremism is a global phenomenon which has been fostered by certain countries which are now unable to fight it.

Noting that extremism and terrorism have turned into a global phenomena, Rouhani said: “All countries that have played a role in creating these terrorist organizations should own up to their mistake and apologize,” not only to the past, but also to future generations.

According to Rouhani, wrong policies adopted by some Western states have turned the Middle East as well as Central Asia and Caucasus into a “paradise for terrorists.” Rouhani further stated that the most painful point about current situation is that terrorists are beheading people and killing innocent civilians in the name of religion while all divine religions are essentially against violence and extremism.

This is a strategic mistake, Rouhani said, because some countries are trying to consolidate their domination over the Middle East region under the pretext of fighting terrorism, while regional countries can fight terrorism in the region on their own.

Referring to Iran's nuclear issue, the Iranian president said Iran's nuclear case has no other solution but negotiation and “if there are parties that imagine other solutions to this issue,” they are greatly mistaken. He noted that negotiations between Iran and the P5 + 1 group of countries have fared successfully in past months and will hopefully reach a comprehensive agreement within the set deadline.


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