International condemnation of invasion of Mexican embassy in Ecuador

Édité par Ed Newman
2024-04-06 17:11:25


Mexican diplomat Roberto Canseco tried to defend the integrity of the embassy, but was subdued by Ecuadorian police forces. | Photo: EFE

Mexico City, April 6 (RHC)-- The invasion of the Mexican embassy in Quito carried out on Friday night by the police forces of Ecuador to kidnap the former vice president of Ecuador, Jorge Glas, who had been granted political asylum, was condemned by various Latin American politicians and organizations.

Pabel Muñoz, the mayor of Quito, the Ecuadorian capital, considered the break-in at the Mexican diplomatic legation as "unacceptable, a global disgrace."   "What just happened in the Mexican Embassy in Quito generates a complex situation of Ecuador before (the) system and international law.  Is there any doubt that Jorge Glas is the victim of a terrible persecution?  The fact is even more serious given that he has already been granted political asylum," said the Ecuadorian official in a message on his social network X account.

The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) also issued a statement on the X network in which it described as "extremely serious" what was done by the Noboa Government.  The embassy is protected by "the principle of inviolability enshrined in the Vienna Convention," asserted the representation that brings together the most important indigenous peoples of Ecuador.

"The action of the Ecuadorian government in illegally breaking into the Mexican embassy in Quito constitutes a clear violation of Mexican sovereignty and an absolute disregard for international norms."

"It is disturbing to observe how the authoritarian and fascist government of Ecuador resorts to force to secure its political trophies. This flagrant violation not only affects bilateral relations between Mexico and Ecuador, but also sends a dangerous message to the international community," stated Conaie.


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