Mexican president reacts to presentation of counterproposal for judicial reform

Édité par Ed Newman
2024-09-09 23:27:37


Mexico City, September 10 (RHC)-- The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, reacted this Monday to the presentation of a counterproposal for reform of the Judiciary and said that the majority of the population knows that "corruption prevails there and it is urgent to clean it up."

That was López Obrador's response to the proposals made yesterday by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), Norma Lucía Piña Hernández, which seek to influence the reform of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (PJF) that is currently being discussed in the Senate.

In that sense, he presented a study on nepotism in that sector, which states that hundreds of judges and magistrates would have used their powers to get jobs for their children, siblings, parents and partners. He announced that on Tuesday he will present more information on the matter.

The outgoing head of State valued that "there are still those who say: but why is the judicial branch going to be reformed, or this, in the extreme, the demolition?  I remember a phrase from Zarco that said that in the reform one should destroy with one hand and build with the other.  Yes, of course, and who builds the new, with whom is there a reform, with whom is public life purified?  With the people.  And that is democracy.  If something is rotten, if something is decadent, with whom can the transformation, the reform, the purification of public life be achieved?  With the participation of the people.  The democratic method is the best there is,” he said.

The president was asked about the proposals made on Sunday by the Chief Justice of the Court.  He responded that the minister “is within her rights, like all those who oppose the reform of the Judicial Branch.  However, it is evident, in the public domain, most people know it, that corruption prevails in the Judicial Branch and that it is urgent to clean it up, for the benefit of all, even businessmen, bankers, foreigners who have investments in Mexico.”

And he added: “There needs to be legality, rule of law, so that in this way only the people and those who rightly demand justice are protected,” he said.

He said that, in the face of the changes that have occurred in other branches of the Mexican State, “the Judicial Branch remains intact.  The same.  The Executive Branch, reformed; the Legislative Branch, reformed; the Judicial Branch, the same as always. Because the Judicial Branch was like an enigma, nobody knew anything, to the point that even the president herself recognizes… I think that 40, she said 45 percent (of the workers), are family members.”

He said, in this regard, that “it is the power of the family, that is, it is the DIF. Nepotism at its best.  Imagine a power where half of those who work are family members, and what the judges, magistrates and ministers do.  Tomorrow we are going to report on everything, all the violations of the Constitution, of the laws, the protection of white-collar crime, of organized crime.”



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