Venezuela rejects report presented to the UN by the Lima Group following orders from Washington

Édité par Ed Newman
2024-09-21 08:22:44


Caracas, September 21 (RHC)-- The Venezuelan government has categorically rejected the presentation to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations, a report written by an illegitimate, politicized and ideologized mission, created by the failed Lima Group government cartel.

Through a statement, the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry called the report "vulgar" and said that its only objective is "to comply with orders issued from Washington, to implement the U.S. policy of ‘regime change’ against the legitimate government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela."

The text states that the persistence of this shameful mission is a clear indication of the erratic drift to which the institutions of the United Nations system are leading, "increasingly misdirected from their functions, turning them into instruments of coercion and blackmail to sovereign peoples and governments."

Considered that these institutions are "discredited to world public opinion by being unable to address the true acts of lesa humanidad such as the genocide in Palestine, carried out by the state of Israel and supported by the governments of the United States and the European Union, those who use human rights as an instrument of aggression and blackmail against free and sovereign peoples."

The communiqué states that Venezuela has denounced to the UN Human Rights Council and its High Commissioner, with sufficient evidence, the attempts of murder against the President (Nicolás Maduro), Vice President (Delcy Rodríguez) and other senior officials, as well as the attempts of invasions to Venezuelan territory through groups of mercenaries hired in the United States and Europe».

It adds that "the pernicious effects of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of fundamental rights by the Venezuelan people have been well documented."  


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