Mexican Government Committed Betrayal Allowing Chapo Guzman's Escape

Édité par Ivan Martínez
2015-07-17 12:27:23


Mexico City, July 17 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Mexican Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio said that treachery was committed within the federal government in the alleged escape of the world's most wanted and most powerful drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, whose whereabouts are still unknown, according to authorities.

“We are now after all those involved. We will go against each and everyone involved in treachery within the government and against the society,” he warned.

“Without regard to their level or their position in government, we will punish all those for their role or involvement” in El Chapo's escape from prison, he added. Osorio also mentioned that there was one person assigned only to Guzman around the clock. “That person was supposed to be watching only one monitor, the one showing Chapo Guzman’s cell,” the minister said.

The more information that surfaces, the more high-level complicity is exposed, as there is apparently no way El Chapo could have escaped considering he had on a GPS prisoner tracker bracelet and that one person was to watching only the CCTV images of Guzman's cell.

Despite all these, according to Osorio, it took prison guards about 18 minutes to react and arrive to El Chapo's cell only to find it empty. Many questions remain unanswered, such as why there was a tablet or iPad in El Chapo's cell and why he had shoes that did not comply with regulations, as well as why no sensor motion alerts were set off by the construction of the tunnel underneath his cell and across the prison.


  • Sonarz's gravatar
    07/01/2016 12:17 am

    This is very interesting! We also wrote an article about El Chapo. Feel free to check it out ! Thanks for the read.. Jon

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