Cuba frustrates counter-revolutionary maneuver in Geneva

Édité par Ed Newman
2020-07-03 21:06:40

Jairo Rodriguez, Cuba's representative in Geneva, Human Rights Council

Geneva, July 3 (RHC)-- Cuba denounced this Friday in Geneva the lack of representation of Ariel Ruiz Urquiola to speak before the 44th ordinary session of the UN Human Rights Council on behalf of the NGO Engineers of the World and rejected as slanderous his words against the Cuban medical missions abroad.

The Cuban diplomat Jairo Rodriguez requested that for this reason, in accordance with Article 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the Human Rights Council, his accreditation be reviewed and that the person who was speaking was referring to issues outside the agenda.  "His allegations," he said, "are unacceptable in terms of trying to establish a link between international medical cooperation and human trafficking.

He further clarified that it was inappropriate to attempt to manipulate the work of this body for outside issues based on unsubstantiated allegations.


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