U.S. activist Gloria La Riva. PL Photo
Havana, June 4 (RHC)-- U.S. social activist Gloria La Riva received on Thursday the ICAP 60th Anniversary Commemorative Seal for her tireless defense of human rights, loyalty and solidarity with Cuba.
During the awards ceremony, the President of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), Fernando González, recalled La Riva's battle for the release of the five Cuban anti-terrorists who, for many years, were unjustly imprisoned in the United States.
He said that the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, of which Gloria La Riva was the coordinator, did not stop after the Five returned to their homeland, but continued defending the Cuban Revolution and the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela. That is how the Cuba-Venezuela Solidarity Committee was born in the United States, headed by Gloria, Gonzalez pointed out.
He also highlighted the role of La Riva, the committee, and her political party -- The Party for Socialism and Liberation -- in the struggles for peace and against the wars promoted by the United States. She is also very active in support of the cause of the Palestinian people.
In thanking ICAP for the gesture, the activist affirmed that once again, Cuba shows how to resist and use its human capital amid Washington's illegal blockade of the island and faced with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Gloria La Riva said that some believe, as they thought in the 1990's when the Special Period was in effect, that this is the moment to do away with Cuba. But "they could not, now they cannot, and they will never be able to."
Earlier, in a meeting with the press, Gloria La Riva said that Cuba is an example of how it is possible to change the world.