Cuba's contribution to Gambia's development highlighted

Édité par Ed Newman
2022-07-27 22:26:32


Photo: Prensa Latina

Banjul, July 27 (RHC)-- Gambian deputies highlighted Wednesday Cuba's contribution to the development of the African country in a message on the occasion of our country's National Rebellion Day, diplomatic sources reported.

"We do not exaggerate when we emphasize that Cubans have always collaborated with the Gambian people in various sectors, including health and sports, said the Gambia-Cuba Parliamentary Friendship Group in a letter signed by its president, Madi MK Ceesay.

In the brief letter, also in solidarity with the Cubans, the deputies highlighted the friendship that unites the two countries.

The members of the Gambian National Assembly Group also ratified that they will do their best to further cement the ties between the two nations.

Cuba and The Gambia celebrated on May 25 the 43rd anniversary of the establishment of bilateral ties, a date that coincides with Africa Day.

The African country's press widely publicized the date and highlighted the coincidence of both nations in the defense of sovereignty and independence, in favor of global peace, unity, multilateralism and a better world for everyone.


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