Cuba: Raúl Castro and Díaz-Canel recognized for their support to Public Health

Édité par Catherin López
2022-10-18 00:47:24


Raúl Castro and Díaz-Canel recognized for unconditional support to Cuban Public Health


Havana, Oct 18(RHC) On Monday, the Institute of Basic and Preclinical Sciences 'Victoria de Girón', in Havana, recognized with the Commemorative Coin for its 60th Anniversary, Army General Raúl Castro Ruz and the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (CC-PCC) and president of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel for their unconditional support to Cuban Public Health.


At the ceremony for the anniversary of the institution, which in 2007 became the 'Victoria de Girón' Faculty of Medical Sciences, the award was given to the Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero Cruz, and the Commander of the Rebel Army, José Ramón Machado Ventura.


The award was also given to Dr. Roberto Morales Ojeda, member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of Organization of the CC-PCC; Dr. José Miyar Barruecos, Professor of Merit of the center, as well as its founders.


Dr. José Ángel Portal Miranda, Minister of Public Health, said that the professors and workers of the university over the last six decades have become the vanguard in the training of health professionals in Cuba.


He highlighted the valuable contributions made to undergraduate education, with a relevant role in guiding the development of basic and biomedical sciences in the country, and postgraduate education, through specialties, master's degrees, and doctorates.


"The center's programs are constantly improving and provide new tools for the development of Cuban medicine," said the minister, who called for making this anniversary a date for commitment to the defense of health and life.


Dr. Nivaldo Hernández Mesa, a founder of the Institute, honored the founders and especially Fidel Castro Ruz (1926-2016), a historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, who on Wednesday, October 17, 1962, founded the institution for the training of professionals.


He recalled key moments in its history such as the Missile Crisis (October 16-29, 1962), the departure of the first medical brigade to Algeria (May 23, 1963), the contribution to medical education in Cuba and abroad, and the contributions to scientific development.


For her part, Jannette Rodríguez González, dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, referred to the high scientific and academic level demonstrated, and highlighted the work carried out by health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.


During the ceremony, Dr. Juan Vela Valdés, Doctor in Sciences, was awarded post mortem the Special Teaching Category of Dr. Honoris Causa of the University of Medical Sciences of Havana, since the renowned professional joined to his countless merits, the condition of being a founding student of the Victoria de Girón Institute of Basic and Preclinical Sciences.


Likewise, Professor and Doctor Jorge Gonzalez Perez received the Special Teaching Category of Professor Emeritus at the University of Medical Sciences of Havana.


The Faculty of Medical Sciences 'Victoria de Girón' also received the Moral Collective Status granted by the National Union of Health Workers, and institutions and personalities that have contributed to its development were also recognized. (Source: ACN)


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