The Vice President of Safety and Food Sovereignty, Yvan Gil, pointed out that Labiofam produces veterinary drugs with the highest technology in the world.
Thanks to the agreement, the country will have this benefit through Agropatria and the National Institute, he added.
Moreover, Vladimir Córdova, president of the Institute, stated it is an exchange of experiences to strengthen the unity through a tool that is the production of bio-inputs in order to have them as a specific option to offer the peasant producer.
Venezuela To Produce Veterinary Medicines
Caracas, September 22 (PL-RHC) -– Venezuela will assume the production of biological and veterinary drugs in the country, supported by an agreement signed with the Cuban business group Labiofam, reported today specialized sources. According to the National Institute for Comprehensive Agricultural Health, a plant located in Aragua state will be used for that purpose.
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