To 2024 with the passion and joy that the great task of changing everything that needs to be changed

Édité par Ed Newman
2023-12-31 11:09:53


Message from the Cuban president.   Photo: Presidency Cuba

Dear compatriots:

2023 is ending and it is as if we were reaching the top of a very high mountain, through tortuous paths.   As so many times throughout 65 years, the climb has been arduous and at times we have had to go backwards.  But we got there.

On the road to the socialist ideal, as Fidel and Raúl have taught us, to arrive is to conquer, aware that each goal is a new starting point.

As we celebrate the 65th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, I would like to send you a grateful embrace, for each step forward in the face of the colossal challenges imposed on us by six decades of a reinforced economic blockade and the mistakes derived from the incessant search for ways out of the brutal siege.

Today everything seems more difficult than ever because of the long years of enduring the criminal weight of a policy of siege and sanctions that seems infinite in its cruelty. But we revolutionaries have not come to this 65th anniversary to surrender and hand over flags.

The historic generation that, against the prognosis of the doomsayers of adversity, brought the Revolution to this day, still accompanies us, with the conviction that it is possible.

From the cry in La Demajagua to the present day, the secret of the Revolution to sustain itself in the face of all adversities, has been the popular participation in a unique history of resistance and creativity, with a firm leadership and a bundle of principles as a base.

It is that history that inspires us to invite you today, on the eve of another challenging New Year, to enter 2024 with all the passion and joy that the great task of changing everything that must be changed needs and deserves.

To do, to create, to smash every brick of the blockade with creativity, is what we have to do, aware that no one will do it for us.

The Revolution is not the work of a day, of a year, not even of 65 years.It is an idea, a will.This is the Revolution. It is none of us alone.  It is all of us together, overcoming impossibilities.

And we will do it!    

Homeland or Death!  

We will win!



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