Parenthood leave guarantees extended for working parents

Édité par Beatriz Montes de Oca
2024-05-22 20:56:20


From the moment of publication of the regulations in the Official Gazette of the Republic, working families with children under 12 months will benefit from these regulations, both in state and non-state sectors


Havana, May 22 (RHC) Authorities of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of Cuba announced that the period of postnatal licenses will be extended until the minor is 15 months old, starting with the next entry into force of modifications to the regulations that regulate the topic.

At a press conference with national media, Virginia Marlene García Reyes, general director of the National Social Security Institute, specified that changes are derived from the regulations in six of its articles in relation to Decree Law 56 of the Maternity of the Worker and the responsibility of families.

García indicated that the points that will present transformations are specifically Articles 1, 8, 24, 40, 42 and 44 with the objective of addressing population dynamics and encouraging maternity.

According to the director, the main strengths of the modifications are to regulate monetary benefits from 34 weeks of gestation (32 in cases of multiple pregnancies) until the child's arrival in the first 15 months of life, while extending the exercise of the right to protection established for other workers contemplated in concepts such as multiparenthood and the various types of affiliation contemplated by the Family Code.

She noted that from the moment of publication of the regulations in the Official Gazette of the Republic, working families with infants under 12 months of age will be able to benefit from these regulations, which must be strictly complied with both for the state and non-state sectors.

Furthermore, she pointed out that the inclusion of principles such as giving greater weight to family responsibility in these issues opens the door to advantages such as social benefits to working grandparents in charge of the minor if the mother is a student.

García clarified that when the minor reaches 15 months, if due to their care the mother or father cannot return to work, the parent has the right to enjoy his or her accumulated vacation. Once concluded, if he or she does not return to work, the employer may terminate the employment relationship in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.

In case of working for the state sector, the parent of a minor with an illness proven by a medical certificate or a disability that requires special attention, may qualify to an unpaid leave from 15 months of age of the minor until he turns 5 years of age. (Source: ACN)


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