Bolivian solidarity movements send donation to Cuba

Édité par Ed Newman
2024-08-26 20:17:05


La Paz, August 27 (RHC)-- The Solidarity Movement of Bolivia has collected a shipment for Cuba of about two tons of powdered milk and school supplies for Cuban children that arrived today at the Viru Viru international airport in Santa Cruz.

The Cuban consul general in that department, Dalay Lamar, thanked the solidarity activists and her compatriots living in this country for the effort made to complete the shipment symbolically delivered in a massive event in the José Martí square, despite the cold temperatures.

Lamar highlighted, in particular, the efforts of the Che Guevara Brigade of graduates of the Latin American School of Medicine based in Cuba to successfully carry out this action aimed at benefiting children harmed by the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States against the Caribbean island.

The official expressed her gratitude to the Bolivians and Cubans who meet every Sunday in the Santa Cruz square to keep alive the spirit of solidarity and reject the policy maintained by Washington against Cuba for six decades, which she described as "inhumane and criminal."

She also supported the demand of those present in the claim that Cuba be excluded from the unilateral list of alleged sponsors of terrorism with which the White House intends to justify its economic, commercial and financial reprisals.

In this context, the Consul General praised the beginning of the work of the Bolivian Solidarity Movement throughout the country with a view to the holding in October in Valle Grande of the Annual Meeting in support of the Cuban Revolution.

Activist Humberto Arandia confirmed the commitment of the solidarity group to persist in denouncing the hostile policy of the U.S. government towards the Cuban people.  He also urged to continue the fight against the blockade by sending supplies and food.

For its part, the Association of Cubans Living in Santa Cruz "Félix Varela" called for denouncing the economic damage caused to the Cuban people by the US government's blockade and thanked the Bolivian brothers for their solidarity actions.

Young people from the Andean Amazonian country recently incorporated into the Solidarity Movement and a representative of the women's social organization Bartolina Sisa expressed their support for the Cuban government and people to those present.

The day was a excellent opportunity for the dozens of people gathered in the José Martí square to express their solidarity with Palestine and their condemnation of the Israeli Zionist genocide against Gaza and the Palestinian people.  (Source: Prensa Latina)


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