Bolivian activists to demand end to U.S. blockade of Cuba

Édité par Ed Newman
2024-10-05 07:45:25


Havana, October 5 (RHC)-- Bolivian activists assured that at the National Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba that begins this Saturday in Valle Grande, department of Santa Cruz, they will demand an end to the U.S. economic, commercial and financial blockade of the Caribbean nation.

“Under the thought and light of Commander Ernesto Che Guevara, in one voice, we will declare: enough to the criminal blockade against the Cuban people,” said the president of the Bolivian Movement of Solidarity with Cuba-La Paz, Alidson Gómez.

An ophthalmology specialist graduated from the Latin American School of Medicine in Havana, Gómez told Prensa Latina news agency that another important demand of that forum will be the elimination of Cuba's name from the list drawn up unilaterally by Washington of alleged countries sponsoring terrorism.

“The whole world recognizes that the Cuban Revolution only sends solidarity, health and life to the world,” he emphasized.

Referring to the meeting that will be closed on Sunday, the activist said that it will be attended by dozens of delegates from all departments, in whom there are many expectations to present their ideas in the debates.

“We are sure that this meeting will be a space for reflection where solidarity towards the courageous people of Cuba will prevail, and in which we will ratify our ideals of revolutionaries of heart and conviction”, concluded Gómez. (Source: Prensa Latina)


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