U.S. Lawmakers Seek to End Restrictions on Travel to Cuba

Édité par Ivan Martínez
2015-01-29 14:02:27


Washington, January 29 (RHC) -– Eight U.S. senators, both Republicans and Democrats, are introducing legislation to end restrictions on U.S. citizens' travel to Cuba. This makes the first effort in Congress toward ending the 50-year-long U.S. blockade against Havana since a bilateral push last month to kick-start a process of normalization of relations.

The bill would end legal restrictions on travel to the island by U.S. citizens and legal residents, according to a statement about the senators' plans. It would also end restrictions on banking transactions related to that travel.

The Barack Obama administration announced some loosening of restrictions on travel last month, but Congress must vote to end the laws that put them in place.

The senators backing the bill include Republicans Jeff Flake, Jerry Moran, Michael Enzi and John Boozman, as well as Democrats Patrick Leahy, Richard Durbin, Tom Udall and Sheldon Whitehouse.

A companion bill will be introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives next week by Republican Representative Mark Sanford and Democratic Representative Jim McGovern.

According to Reuters, there will be hearings on Cuba next week in both the Senate and House of Representatives.


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