Salvadoran Education Minister Praises Cuba's Cooperation

Édité par Ivan Martínez
2015-05-28 14:20:02


Havana, May 28 (RHC)-- Salvadoran Education Minister Carlos Canjura announced the launching of a new literacy campaign in the Central American country, using the Cuban teaching method Yo, sí puedo (Yes, I Can).

Speaking to reporters in the Cuban capital, where he is accompanying visiting President Salvador Sánchez Cerén, Minister Canjura explained that thanks to Cuba's cooperation more than 36 thousand Salvadorans will learn how to read and write this year.

The top Salvadoran education official added that since Cuba's cooperation with El Salvador in the sector began in 2010, illiteracy in the Central American country has dropped from 17% to 11%.

Minister Canjura stressed that for this new campaign, the Salvadoran Education Ministry will count on the advisory support of 15 Cuban experts.


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