PARLACEN Calls on U.S. to Lift Blockade on Cuba

Édité par Ivan Martínez
2015-09-24 13:43:34


Guatemala City, September 24 (RHC)-- The Central American Parliament (PARLACEN) has called on the United States government and congress to lift the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed and maintained against Cuba for over half a century.

Lawmakers from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama and the Dominican Republic issued a statement, urging presidents and heads of state of PARLACEN member countries to vote at the UN General Assembly on October 27th in favor of the Cuban resolution against the US blockade policy.

In previous years, PARLACEN issued two resolutions, condemning the blockade policy and the so-called Helms-Burton Law, which they affirm violate international law and regulations of the World Trade Organization.




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