UK Doctors Refusing Urgent Surgeries Due to Bed Shortage

Editado por Pavel Jacomino
2018-02-07 15:30:43

A protester in central London, February 3, 2018 (Photo by AFP)

London, February 7 (RHC)-- Doctors in the UK have been refusing to perform urgent surgeries on patients with potentially fatal diseases due to serious shortage of intensive care beds in British hospitals. 

Hospitals have been cancelling urgent surgery for patients with cancer, heart disease and other life-threatening illnesses, despite National Health Service (NHS) orders not to delay such operations. 

Some patients have had their procedures cancelled several times, even though their critical situation means a surgery is urgent. Others have had operations cancelled on the day they were scheduled to take place. 

Doctors' leaders and the British Patients Association said that the cancellations could lead to the death of patients with cancer or heart diseases. 

Hospitals complain that the National Health Service has failed to provide sufficient intensive care beds forcing doctors to prioritize flu patients at risk of dying before surgery over other very sick people including those suffering from cancer and heart problems. 


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