Jimmy Carter criticizes Trump´s choice of John Bolton as National Security Advisor

Editado por Jorge Ruiz Miyares
2018-03-27 08:53:00

Former U.S. President, Jimmy Carter.

Washington, March 27 (RHC)-- Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter has criticized Donald Trump’s pick of Bush-era war hawk John Bolton to lead the National Security Council.

The effects of the move, which has sparked a lot of criticism, could be disastrous, Carter said.

The 93-year-old former president has echoed the concerns of Democratic lawmakers that have been sounding the alarm over Trump’s decision to sack Gen. HR McMaster from his national security adviser post and replace him with the former US envoy to the UN.

Bolton, known for beating the drums of war against North Korea and Iran, and pushing for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, is set to formally take office on April 9, ahead of Trump's planned talks with Kim Jong-un.

Carter, who last year volunteered to travel to North Korea on behalf of the Trump administration together with McMaster, said that Bolton’s appointment is “the worst mistake made.”   Speaking to CBS This Morning, Carter said:  "I have been concerned at some of the things he's decided.  I think his last choice for national security adviser was very ill-advised.”

Jimmy Carter served as U.S. president from 1977 to 1981.



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