Russia approves first coronavirus vaccine 

Editado por Ed Newman
2020-08-11 09:02:18


Moscow, August 11 (RHC)-- President Vladimir Putin says Russia has become the first country to approve a vaccine offering "sustainable immunity" against the coronavirus and one of his daughters has been inoculated.

The announcement came on Tuesday from Moscow.  "This morning, for the first time in the world, a vaccine against the new coronavirus was registered" in Russia, Putin said during a televised video conference call with government ministers.  "I know that it is quite effective, that it gives sustainable immunity," he said.  

The Russian leader said one of his daughters had been inoculated with the vaccine, developed by the Gamaleya research institute in coordination with the Russian defence ministry.  "In this sense she took part in the experiment," Putin said, adding she had a slight temperature after a second injection and "that's all."

"What counts most is for us to be able to ensure the unconditional safety of the use of this vaccine and its efficiency in the future. I hope that this will be accomplished," Putin said.

Health minister Mikhail Murashko said clinical trials involving several thousand participants would continue.  Tatyana Golikova, a deputy prime minister in charge of health issues, said officials hoped vaccinations of medical staff could begin soon.


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