Uruguayans march in defense of the right to water in Montevideo

Editado por Ed Newman
2023-06-01 21:14:47


Uruguayans demand measures from the government to face the most important water crisis in the last 70 years. | Photo: @EmiWigman

Montevideo, June 1 (RHC)-- Social organizations and collectives marched this Wednesday on July 18th Avenue in Montevideo, capital of Uruguay, in a protest that questioned the government's responses to the water crisis in the country and in defense of the right to water.

The march was attended by hundreds of people demanding the Government to take measures to address the natural resource crisis, considered the most important in recent decades.

The trade union Plenario Intersindical de Trabajadores - Convención Nacional de Trabajadores (PIT-CNT) questioned the government's response to the running water service received by some 2 million inhabitants in Montevideo and its metropolitan area.

On the other hand, the Union of Obras Sanitarias del Estado (OSE), held President Luis Lacalle Pou responsible for a practice of cutting expenses and jobs in that public entity.  The mobilization demanded that as part of the immediate measures, taxes on bottled water be reduced and the construction of an infrastructure that would allow not to depend on a single water intake.  Uruguayans also demanded that a sanitary emergency be declared due to the water deficit.
Previously, the Ministry of the Environment acknowledged that the country is suffering a drought which affects water reserves for the population's consumption, and urged the reduction and responsible consumption of water so that the reserves do not run out.



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