ALBA-TCP denounces campaign against Manuel Zelaya's leadership in Honduras

Editado por Ed Newman
2024-09-05 08:05:56


Tegucigalpa, September 5 (RHC)-- The Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America - People's Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) issued a statement on Wednesday in solidarity with the former president of Honduras, José Manuel Zelaya, "who is the object of a sophisticated campaign of disinformation and discredit."

From the headquarters of the Executive Secretariat of ALBA-TCP, Jorge Arreaza read the document, where he denounces that the campaign "seeks to tarnish the honorability" of Zelaya's successful leadership in his nation.

“For more than a decade, he was able to lead the popular resistance against dictatorships and the social struggles that led to the recovery of Honduran democracy,” Arreaza stressed.

The leader of ALBA-TCP indicated that for more than four decades, Manuel Zelaya has served the Honduran people, which “in 2006 earned him the presidential electoral victory from where he developed an outstanding management.”

“Since then, former President Zelaya has been persecuted for having had the audacity to promote the Law of Citizen Participation that gave the Honduran people a voice on issues that for decades were only decided by the political class of that country, as well as for the courage to incorporate Honduras into ALBA, thereby inaugurating a new era for his country in the international arena,” he specified.

The executive secretary of ALBA-TCP said that the current attacks on the honor and good reputation of Zelaya, his entourage and the government led by President Xiomara Castro, are a punishment for disobeying the United States, when there is little more than a year left before the Central American country holds its presidential elections.

“It is a punishment through extortionate practices, frequently used by U.S. agencies, which consist of preserving for years evidence of alleged crimes, the commission of which has been induced by those same agencies with the intention of making them public at the time when it is most convenient to harm those involved,” he stressed.

"I have not committed any crimes or money from drug trafficking in my 72 years of life. Whoever claims otherwise does so with petty interest and is lying. My life of fighting in the streets for more than 44 years will always be a moral testimony and an example for present and future generations…"

— Manuel Zelaya R. (@manuelzr) September 5, 2024

The regional organization also ratified its defense of the self-determination of Honduras, non-interference and the continuity of the democratic system of that country, which was rescued 12 years after the last coup d'état, when a regime related to drug trafficking was established.

Last Tuesday, the president of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, denounced that there is a plan underway to destroy her socialist and democratic government, and warned that "the dark forces of 2009 with the national and international media are reorganizing."

Previously, Foreign Minister Enrique Reina had denounced an attempt to divide the Honduran Armed Forces (FF.AA.), provoked by comments from the United States ambassador in her country, Laura Dogu, who tried to link the head of the Armed Forces with an alleged drug trafficker.

The Honduran president has redoubled efforts to preserve the unity of the Armed Forces, and decided to end the extradition treaty between Honduras and the United States.



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