Havana, November 29 (RHC)-- The commemoration of International Day of Solidarity with Palestine today recalls the adoption of the "partition resolution", which stipulated in 1947 the creation of a Jewish state (Israel) and an Arab one, pending implementation in the occupied territories.
Since 1977, the date approved by the General Assembly highlights the need to comply with this instrument for the recognition of two nations with Jerusalem as a corpus separatum subject to a special international regime.
Despite the decades that have passed, of the two states provided for in said resolution, only one has been created so far: Israel.
Therefore, International Palestine Day provides the opportunity for the international community to focus its attention on the solution of the Palestinian question.
With this objective in mind, in 1975 the UN established the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, with the mandate of advising the General Assembly on programs aimed at the defense of that population.
According to the organization, this includes guarantees such as self-determination without external interference, national independence and sovereignty, and the return to their homes and properties, from which they were evicted.
Over the years, a network of more than a thousand civil society organizations from all regions of the world was also created that carry out activities in defense of their cause.
The date recalls one of the oldest debts of the organization while promoting a space for solidarity after more than a year of Israeli offensive in Gaza.
However, the most urgent solution is not in sight while Palestinian civilians face one of the worst humanitarian crises in history and the current hostilities have lasted for more than 400 days with more than 44 thousand fatalities in the coastal enclave alone. (Source: Prensa Latina)