Maria Corina Machado's silence is deafening in the face of the migration crisis in the U.S.

Editado por Ed Newman
2025-01-29 11:55:27


In her search for international support, Maria Corina Machado prioritizes her alignment with Washington before denouncing the deportations or criminalization of Venezuelan migrants.   Photo: EFE

Caracas, January 29 (RHC)-- While thousands of Venezuelans face mass deportations and precarious conditions in the United States, extremist opposition leader Maria Corina Machado evades the debate on the structural causes of migration.  The Venezuelan research and analysis group Misión Verdad analyzes how her silence reflects complicity with U.S. policies that exacerbate the humanitarian crisis.

The wave of migration of Venezuelans to the United States, marked by accelerated deportations and systematic abuses under Title 42 and Title 8, reveals a discursive void in key figures of the counterrevolution. 

According to a recent analysis by Misión Verdad, María Corina Machado, a former presidential candidate backed by Washington, avoids questioning U.S. immigration policies and its responsibility in the socioeconomic crisis that seeks the exodus of thousands of Venezuelans.

Misión Verdad emphasizes that the economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. since 2015 -- backed by sectors of the Venezuelan opposition -- have deepened the humanitarian emergency, destroying jobs and access to basic services.  Despite this, Machado has not only justified these measures, but promotes them as a tool of pressure, ignoring their impact.

The report highlights that Machado, in her search for international support, prioritizes her alignment with Washington rather than denouncing the deportations or criminalization of Venezuelan migrants. Her approach is focused on criticizing the government of President Nicolás Maduro, omitting that US policies contribute to regional instability.

Although Machado promises "freedom" for Venezuela, according to the analysis of Misión Verdad, what is notable is her lack of concrete proposals to reverse the migration crisis. Her speech avoids addressing the need to lift sanctions, regularize migrants or demand accountability from the U.S., prioritizing a Manichean narrative that simplifies the conflict.

The analysis also points out how large international media, allied in an extremist plan, silence the role of sanctions in migration.  Machado, far from challenging this narrative, benefits from a media ecosystem that decontextualizes Venezuelan reality.

As Misión Verdad warns, her position reveals a fundamental contradiction: while demanding international "solidarity" against Maduro, she normalizes policies that punish migrants and deepen the social fracture in Venezuela.


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