Cuban Foreign Minister Travels to Portugal and Greece after Official Visit to Spain

Editado por Pavel Jacomino
2017-04-17 02:38:25


Havana, April 15 (RHC), -- On Monday, Bruno Rodríguez, Cuba's foreign minister, begins an official tour which will take him to Portugal and Greece, following a first halt in Spain, where he will be received by King Philip 6 and  Mariano Rajoy, president of the Spanish government.

According to a press release, Rodríguez will be in Lisbon on 19 and 20 April, to complete a programme that includes a meeting with his Portugese peer, Augusto Santos Silva, who visited Cuba in June 2016.

On 21 April, the foreign secretary will arrive in Greece, where he will dialogue with the Greek foreign minister Nikolas Kotzias and other government, legislative and state figures.


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