Sancti Spiritus, June 9 (RHC-PL)-- Cuban archeologists from Sancti Spiritus have reported an important discovery of a settlement with native and Europeans items from the 16th century that confirms their presence in the Zaza dam, the largest in the country.
Orlando Alvarez, head of the Archeology Department of the Office of Monuments and Historic Sites from Sancti Spiritus told reporters that three areas were discovered on the left bank of the Yayabo River, where the Zaza River ends.
According to the on-line version of the newspaper Escambray, experts said that such items undoubtedly confirm that native and European populations had settled in that area in the 16th century.
Alvarez said that the discovery was possible due to the current drought that has led to the decreased level of water in the Zaza dam, which uncovered the banks of the Yayabo River at its mouth.
Important Discovery Made by Archeologists in Largest Cuban Dam

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