Havana, November 21 (RHC)-- The president of Cuba's National Electoral Commission, Alina Balseiro, said that everything is ready for the elections of the Municipal Assemblies of People's Power this coming Sunday.
Balseiro confirmed that the trial run last Sunday was successful, showing that the material, organizational, communication and transportation plans are ready.
Esteban Lazo, President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba, said that following the success of the trial run, the most important thing is that Cuban all go to the polls on Sunday, when more than 8 million Cubans will be able to choose their delegates or municipal councilors.
Speaking at the end of a tour through the central area of the country, Lazo said that this will disprove the enemy's defamatory campaigns and it will be the best message that Cubans can send to U.S. President Donald Trump.
Electoral Authorities Say Everything Ready for Sunday

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