New container for Cuba from Spain

Editado por Catherin López
2022-12-23 22:44:56


Photo: Prensa Latina

Havana, Dec 23 (RHC) A new container with donations for Cuba was loaded in Valencia, Spain, as part of a solidarity campaign, this time bound for the western province of Pinar del Rio.


The digital and television site Cubainformación, directed by José Manzaneda reported the news of the State Movement of Solidarity with Cuba (MESC) of Spain.


As part of the campaign promoted by the State Movement of Solidarity with Cuba, the first container was prepared in Valencia for Pinar del Río, which suffered great damage after the passage of Hurricane Ian last September.


These initiatives are part of the agreements of the XVI Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba, held last October in Puerto de Sagunto, Valencia, to support the Caribbean Island in its recovery after the climatic affectations.


Associations from Madrid, Catalonia, Euskadi, Andalusia, and Valencia managed to raise more than 34 thousand Euros and prioritized the purchase of 700 mattresses and other items that will go in a 40-foot container, managed with the support of the Cuban embassy in Spain.


The donation will leave the port of Valencia next Monday and was completed with other materials from the Valencian association of friendship with Cuba, José Martí.


Solidarity activists and personnel from the Cuban embassy in Spain participated in the loading of the container and took advantage of the occasion to recall the need to denounce and eliminate the U.S. blockade.


As the international community reiterated for the thirtieth consecutive time at the United Nations last November 3, the economic, commercial, and financial siege constitutes a violation of the human rights of all the people and is the main obstacle to the development of island.


The MESC solidarity campaign plans at least two more shipments in the first months of 2023, one from the Canary Islands with more mattresses and roofs for housing repairs, with financial support from the Council of Gran Canaria, and another from Bilbao with school supplies.


On December 10, in Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid), another container with materials valued at 74 thousand Euros was set up to support several projects in Santiago de Cuba and financed by different MESC associations, in parallel to the campaign focused on Pinar del Río and the consequences of the Hurricane. (Source: Cubadebate)


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