United Nations, October 6 (RHC) -- Cuba reiterated Friday in New York, as a top priority for the United Nations, the need for nuclear disarmament with strict adherence to multilateralism, the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and International Law.
The island's alternate permanent representative to the United Nations, Yuri Gala, during the debate in the first committee of the 78th General Assembly, considered this issue as a matter of survival for humanity.
He said that as long as the achievement of a world free of nuclear weapons remains pending, nuclear disarmament must continue to be the top priority in the field of disarmament.
The Future Summit, scheduled for 2024, cannot ignore it when discussing efforts to contribute to international peace and security.
The ambassador ratified Cuba's commitment to the full, effective and non-discriminatory implementation of the Biological, Toxin and Chemical Weapons Conventions, as well as to the universalization of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
Likewise, it condemned the imposition of unilateral coercive measures that limit or impede, in a discriminatory manner, the exercise of the right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy; as well as the promotion of international cooperation and the scientific-technological progress of member states in the biological and chemical spheres.
"These illegal actions undermine the socio-economic development of the states on which they are imposed and contravene the provisions of several legally binding instruments in the field of disarmament," she stressed.
Gala rejected the covert and illegal use of information and communications technologies and radio-electronic space to subvert the legal and political order, as well as the use of these technologies to finance, encourage and commit violent actions and acts of terrorism.
In this sense, he denounced the use of these platforms from U.S. territory against Cuba and demanded the immediate end of these policies (Source: Prensa Latina). (Source: Prensa Latina)