Cubans demand peace and condemn Zionist aggression against the Palestinian people

Editado por Ed Newman
2023-12-13 11:20:45


Havana, December 13 (RHC)-- Thousands of people gathered Wednesday at the Serafin Sanchez Revolution Square in the Cuban province of Sancti Spiritus to demand peace and condemn the Zionist aggression against the Palestinian people.

Young people, workers, national and foreign students marched from the Martyrs Monument to the Square in a massive rally of solidarity with the Palestinian people and condemnation of Israel's crimes.

The event was presided over by Teresa Amarelle Boué, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba -PCC-, and general secretary of the Federation of Cuban Women, and Deivy Pérez, first secretary of the PCC in the province.

Ekaterina Gowen, general secretary of the Central Workers' Union of Cuba and members of the Central Committee, as well as the highest authorities of the Government, the Union of Young Communists -UJC-, and military organizations also participated.

Abran Sanchez, first secretary of the UJC, in the central words ratified that the dream of all Palestinians is to have an independent State and stressed that Cuba's support to the Palestinian cause is unconditional.

From the center of the island we strongly condemn the indiscriminate bombings against a people seeking peace and fighting for its recognition as a state by international organizations, he said.

The United States and other powers, he said, are intensifying their policy of aggression to consummate the plan of extermination of the Palestinian people, murdering women and children and seeking the extermination of the population of Gaza.

Mohamad Muhisen, a medical student and descendant of a Palestinian family, expressed to Prensa Latina his repudiation of Israel's genocidal attacks against "their brothers and sisters and day by day children, women and men, innocent people die".

He also condemned the "deaf ears and closed eyes" of the United Nations that continue to fail to act to stop the extermination of the Palestinian population living in the Gaza Strip.

Franciss Maweah, representative of international and Cuban solidarity organizations at the José Martí University, demanded a dignified response from the world to achieve the immediate cessation of the aggression and support the right of the Palestinian people to the creation of their State, with its capital in Jerusalem (Source: Prensa Latina). (Source: Prensa Latina).


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