Havana, January 14 (RHC) -- Bridges of Love today called for an international Caravan for January 28, which will demand that the U.S. government lift the blockade and remove Cuba from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism.
"What better date for our caravan, it is a beautiful coincidence," Carlos Lazo, coordinator of the project, told Prensa Latina, referring to the celebration on that day of the 171st anniversary of the birth of José Martí, the most universal and greatest of all Cubans.
Bridges of Love "invites all people of good will, all people from any corner of the world to join in," said the Seattle-based activist, who is also a Martiano.
The appeal -he explained- is addressed to any Cuban, wherever he or she may be, to any peace-loving person who feels as his or her own the suffering of the people of the island, subjected to the cruel and inhuman blockade.
Take to the streets, take out a flag, send a message on social networks, make your voice heard urging President Joe Biden to keep his promise and change his policy towards Cuba, he stressed.
"United for the Cuban family; let's go all out: end the blockade and take Cuba off the list of terrorist countries," Professor Lazo stressed.
Puentes de Amor is one of the most active groups within the United States in the fight against the economic, commercial and financial blockade, a hostile policy that has survived 11 Democratic and Republican administrations. Until it falls, "let's make many holes in that wall", warned Lazo, recalling a maxim that always accompanies him. In 1892 -he commented- the Apostle wrote that 'men go in two camps: those who love and found, those who hate and undo'; we, the bridge-builders, are of the first group". (Source: Prensa Latina)