Malabo, October 18 (RHC-PL), -- The Equatorial Guinea Association "Friends of Cuba" has reiterated its support to the campaign to release the Cubans unjustly held in prison in the United States since 1998.
We will maintain support to the cause of the three Cubans who remained imprisoned in U.S. jails, Carmela Oyono Ayingono, president of that solidarity group, said during a meeting with Havana ambassador to Malabo, Pedro Doña.
The Cuban Five, as they are internationally known, were arrested in 1998, submitted to a biased trial, and condemned to harsh sentences, for alerting their country from terrorist actions organized in Miami.
Rene Gonzalez and Fernando Gonzalez already returned to Cuba after completing the prison sentences, but Antonio Guerrero, Ramon Labañino and Gerardo Hernandez are still in U.S. prisons.
The solidarity activist told the diplomat that the support to the cause of the Cuban Five will maintain until they return to their homeland.
Equatorial Guinea Reiterates Support to Cuban 5 Cause

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