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Mensagens recebidas

Phil Stremple: USA

23/04/2023 01:48 AM


Listening tonight on 6000 kHz as you rock the Doors at 0540 UTC. The album version of "Light My Fire" no less. I really appreciate the music from RHC and the Saturday night program (Music with a Message)is great, a reason that I listen.

I'm listening to a good signal in Tigard Oregon. (SIO of 554)

Thanks and I hope you can QSL to my e-mail address.


M duraisamy: India

10/04/2023 03:22 AM

From m duraisamy 197/1 south St kolumang kondan melkaripatti po palani tk pin code 624617 tamilnadu India.  Sir I am very much interested is reading about your tourstbooks 

José martinez rosas: Mexico

07/04/2023 12:38 PM

Vilma espin álma de la revolución cubana, corazón de gigante y constructora del socialismo, vive su ejemplo en la mujer de todos los tiempos históricos de la humanidad. Viva vilma espin mujer que ilumina como un radiante sol .

Dave Kingsborough: United States

03/04/2023 12:00 AM

I'm Dave Kingsborough from Harrisburg PA USA. I was tuning around the shortwave band , and I heard your station on 6000 Khz, at 23:35 EDT, using a Tecsun PL-330 radio  indoors with a whip antenna, with a signal strength of  52 DbM. 

The best to you,

Take care 


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