The cure turned out to be worse

Editado por Catherin López
2024-08-07 23:24:36


Mrs. Harris raised the spirits of many voters and mobilized an impressive number of volunteers, especially among young people and ethnic minorities.

By Guillermo Alvarado

Donald Trump, the Republican Party's candidate for president of the United States, and his campaign team seem to have made a miscalculation when they forced his rival, President Joseph Biden, out of the race.

With so little time to reorganize a race of this magnitude, it seemed an impossible task for the Democratic Party, especially since the real estate magnate appeared to be well-positioned in all the polls of voting intentions.

However, as the saying goes, the cure was worse than the disease, because the replacement of the head of the White House, Vice President Kamala Harris, who had a rather gray management, increased the enthusiasm of the faint-hearted followers from the first moments.

One of the first facts was her ability to regain the favor of the donors who began to withdraw because of the uncertainty generated by Biden, and in a few days, she managed to raise more than 200 million dollars, an important figure. As everyone knows, money is the main lubricant of any campaign in this country.

But in addition to filling the coffers, Mrs. Harris raised the spirits of many voters and mobilized an impressive number of volunteers, especially among young people and ethnic minorities.

What should have Trump and his team most worried is that in just two weeks, the Republican's lead in the polls has already been more than halved.

Biden came to be five points behind and a recent tally on the average of the four major pollsters revealed that now the difference is only a couple of points in favor of the former president.

Even some opinion polls show a technical tie between the two rivals and that could move further when it is known, later Tuesday, who will be Kamala Harris' running mate.

We must be clear that nothing is definite yet, but between the disaster that was expected in the ranks of the Democrats and what is happening right now there is a clear difference.

Nor should we fall into the mistake made when Barack Obama won the presidency, when some sectors believed that just because he was black, the main contradictions of that nation would disappear. The meanderings of real power in the United States do not go through such considerations.


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