Peruvian police violently repress peaceful protesters in Lima

Editado por Ed Newman
2023-02-04 22:29:00


This Saturday's mobilization was peaceful. Despite this, the Peruvian police repressed the demonstrators.   | Photo: Prensa Latina​

Lima, February 5 (RHC)-- The Peruvian National Police violently repressed this Saturday demonstrators who intervened in the March of the Cones in Lima, in another day of struggle to demand the resignation of President-designate Dina Boluarte, the closure of Congress, the advancement of elections and the activation of a constituent process.

Arriving from peripheral districts of the capital city, thousands of demonstrators marched peacefully, until they reached Abancay Avenue in Lima, where they clashed with contingents of police who blocked their way to the Congress headquarters and threw tear gas at them.  Demonstrators who were in the vicinity of the Miguel Grau square were also attacked with tear gas bombs.

According to alternative media and publications in social networks, there were clashes between the Police and demonstrators in several points of downtown Lima.   It is reported that several citizens were arrested, among them many young people, in that sector of the city and in the vicinity of the Grau Hospital.

It was also reported through social networks that journalists and photojournalists who were capturing footage of the aggression and/or violent detention of civilians by police officers were attacked.

The Ombudsman's Office confirmed that 15 detainees were taken to the police station of Cotabambas and communicated its determination to remain there to guarantee due process.

The March of the Cones, a sort of symbolic takeover of Lima, covered several kilometers with its numerous contingents, according to the press media.  The demonstrators gathered at dozens of points in South Lima, North Lima, East Lima and San Juan de Lurigancho, from where they moved towards the center.

In a press release, the Ombudsman's Office stated that during this day mobilizations, stoppages and/or road blockades were registered in 24 provinces (12.2 percent of those existing at national level). In addition, mobilizations and sit-ins were reported in Andahuaylas, Leoncio Prado, Yauli, Chucuito and Lampa.

At midday, 72 road closures were reported in six regions with 16 national roads affected, according to the Superintendence of Land Transportation of People (Sutran).

At 15:00 local time, there were 69 blockades of national roads, according to the Ombudsman's Office, which this Saturday urged the Peruvian State to generate spaces for dialogue and consensus, which would allow the recognition of the cultural diversity and history of the country, avoid further division among Peruvians and open doors to overcome the current political crisis.


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