In the capital of Sao Paulo alone there are 52,226 people living on the streets, almost half of the country's population in that situation.
Brasilia, Aug 7 (RHC) Parliamentarians from different political parties in Brazil will present this Monday in the Legislative Assembly of the state of Sao Paulo a front in defense of the population living on the streets.
According to the portal Rede Brasil Atual, the author of the proposal, deputy Jorge do Carmo, of the Workers' Party, will be the coordinator of the front that will also have the participation of legislators Eduardo Suplicy, Eduardo Nóbrega and Ana Carolina Serra.
The initiative, which has the support of the organized movements that work in this segment, aims to give a voice to people in this horrifying situation.
It also aims to work for the implementation of public policies focused on the needs of this population, guaranteeing their rights and dignity.
To this end, it is proposed to act in the articulation of actions around demands such as housing, social assistance, food, health, education, work, justice and culture.
Among the priorities is the opening of a debate on the improvement of a law that institutes the so-called State Policy of Specific Attention to the Homeless Population.
And also the joint action with municipalities and the federal government, and in dialogue with civil society to humanize and universalize care.
According to the Brazilian Observatory of Public Policies with the Homeless Population of the Federal University of Minas Gerais State (southeast), the territorial division of Sao Paulo concentrates 86,782 people in this situation. This figure is almost half of the homeless population of the entire South American giant.
According to official data from the mayor's office, in São Paulo alone there are 52,226 inhabitants in this condition. The numbers may be much higher than these, warn researchers, who estimate an underreporting of up to 35 percent. This is due to the fact that the update rate of the Unified Registry for Social Programs in the state is very low. The capital discount rate is 63.3 percent, while the national average is 81.2 percent.
Data from the Institute of Applied Economic Research reveal that the homeless population grew 38 percent between 2019 and 2022, a period that coincides with the government of former President Jair Bolsonaro and the Covid-19 pandemic.
The survey also estimates that there is a growth in the number of vulnerable population of 211 percent since 2011 and the southeastern region concentrates most of it.
In Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo there are 151 thousand people under this scourge, more than half of the total (53 percent) of 281 thousand. Then come the northeast, south, center-west and north (Source: PL).