Three killed as Israeli drone targets western Syria near Lebanon border

Editado por Ed Newman
2024-02-25 09:21:36


Damascus, February 25 (RHC)-- At least three people were killed when an Israeli unnamed aerial vehicle carried out a strike in Syria’s strategic west-central province of Homs, close to the border with Lebanon.

Lebanon’s Arabic-language al-Mayadeen television news network, citing local sources, reported that the Israeli drone targeted two trucks as they were traveling along a road near al-Qusayr city, located about 35 kilometers (22 miles) south of Homs, on Sunday.

The sources added that the act of aggression took place close to the bridge over the Orontes River that begins in Lebanon, flowing northwards through Syria before entering the Mediterranean Sea.

Two people were killed in an Israeli missile strike on a residential building in an upscale neighborhood of the capital Damascus on Wednesday morning.  The Syrian Defense Ministry said in a statement at the time that the Israeli army launched an aerial attack with several missiles from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, targeting a residential building near the Cham City Center shopping mall and a school in Kafar Sousah neighborhood.

The attack killed two civilians and injured another and caused material damage to the targeted building and some adjacent buildings, the ministry added.  The upsurge in Israel’s acts of aggression against Syria comes following the Tel Aviv regime’s onslaught against Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Israel waged the devastating war on Gaza on October 7 after Hamas launched Operation al-Aqsa Storm in the occupied territories in retaliation for the Tel Aviv regime’s incessant crimes against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

Since the start of the aggression, the Tel Aviv regime has killed at least 29,195 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and injured 69,170 others.

Israel also frequently targets military positions inside Syria, especially those of the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah which has played a key role in helping the Syrian army in its fight against foreign-backed terrorists.


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