Managua, August 20 (RHC)-- The Government of Nicaragua has condemned the interventionist actions against national sovereignty carried out by the United States Government through the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
“Nicaragua condemns and rejects interventionist actions by the United States against sovereign countries,” said the foreign minister of the Central American nation, Denis Moncada Colindres.
In this regard, the foreign minister reported his nation's position regarding interventionist actions by the White House through the aforementioned foundation, known for its long destabilizing record against sovereign states and which oppose the imposition of dictates from the northern nation.
He also said that the United States and those countries that he called “its dependent partners” see their unipolar power in the world in danger due to the push of emerging nations that extend and strengthen a multipolar world.
“Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, the Democratic Republic of Korea, Libya, Syria, Palestine, China, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, among other sister countries, have fought and continue to resist and overcome campaigns to destabilize their territorial integration and coups d'état, euphemistically called 'color revolutions or Arab Spring,' financed, armed and directed by the United States Government through the NED and other North American organizations determined to continue being the owners of the world, when they are no longer. Washington is no longer the capital of the world,” Moncada Colindres said.
The Nicaraguan top diplomat stated that since its beginnings, during the eighties of the last century, the NED has been promoted by the United States Government and has as its objective to hinder the internal affairs of other nations and to render useless the legitimate governments of sovereign and independent nations.
The first interim president of the organization, Allen Weinstein, admitted: “Much of what we do today was carried out secretly by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) 25 years ago.”
The NED is known as the second CIA and has been an instrument of the United States to carry out terrorist, criminal and coup actions in countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East and Eastern Europe.
The main agenda of the NED is to destabilize governments to bring their countries under the control of the American empire, using tens of millions of dollars from taxes paid by the American people, who are unaware and ignore that these resources are used by the elite of the American government to attack other countries and governments, said Allen Weinstein.
Denis Moncada indicated that the NED, founded by the Administration of Ronald Reagan (1981-1989), collaborated rapidly in the secret war against Nicaragua in the eighties and nineties. He also supported and financed the counterrevolutionary media and opposition and was instrumental in the US invasion of Panama in December 1989.
“The hegemonic imperial power is losing ground and while it is rolling towards the precipice, it is striking out like a wounded beast against dignified and sovereign governments and peoples who fight, resist and win, like Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and other sister peoples,” he said.
Nicaragua's foreign minister also stated that “the Government of Nicaragua denounces and condemns the Government of the United States and the Western powers that transgress international law and peaceful coexistence to impose neo-fascist and neo-colonial governments, financing and organizing through the NED coups d'état with terrorist actions, destabilizing constitutional governments, popular direct and participatory democracies that advance against poverty, the common good and peace.”